PIA signs content distribution agreement with Sabre

Monday, 18 November 2019 02:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Pakistan International Airlines


Pakistan International Airlines has signed a new content distribution agreement with Sabre.

Now that Pakistan International Airlines is joining Sabre, content from the carrier will be accessible to over 425,000 Sabre-connected agents around the world.

With over nine million of Pakistan’s workforce living abroad, there is a marked demand for travel into the country coming from Europe and the Middle East. In addition to strengthening international travel to and from Pakistan and reinforcing the carrier’s presence in new regions, this agreement will also help to support domestic demand for air travel.

“We are pleased that Pakistan International Airlines has made Sabre its distribution partner of choice. Providing the carrier with superior technology and supporting their distribution efforts through our rich travel marketplace, the agreement that we announce today will continue to shape the country’s travel landscape and enable Pakistan International Airlines to reach their strategic business objectives,” said  Sabre Travel Solutions Airline Sales Vice President – South Asia and Pacific Rakesh Narayanan.