Port of Tianjin to assist transforming Colombo to green port

Monday, 6 May 2024 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Port of Tianjin, China, has expressed its willingness to assist in transforming the Port of Colombo, currently operating as a global container port, into a green port. 

These sentiments were conveyed by Port of Tianjin Chairman Chu Jin during his meeting with Ports, Shipping, and Aviation Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva. A special delegation, led by the Chairman of the Port of Tianjin, met the Minister last week. 

Currently ranked No. 9 in the global container port rankings, the Port of Tianjin joins other major container ports worldwide in initiating efforts to become green ports, aiming to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Scientific consensus confirms that the escalating industrialisation and subsequent rise in global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions are contributing factors to natural disasters resulting from climate and weather changes worldwide. Consequently, there is a proposal to prioritise the utilisation of green ammonia to diminish reliance on various fossil fuels.

During the meeting, the Minister expressed gratitude to the delegation for offering assistance to the Port of Colombo in its transition to a green port. He lauded the support of the Port of Tianjin in extending the “Green Port Concept” to other ports globally, leveraging China’s expertise as a leader in industrialisation and port operations. 

The discussion also encompassed the delegation’s interest in supporting future developments at the Port of Galle and their full endorsement of the Colombo North Port’s future development plans. SLPA Managing Director Prabath J. Malavige also participated in the discussions.