UNP says Govt. needs to be transparent on MV X-Press Pearl crisis

Thursday, 3 June 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Government needs to be transparent regarding the hazardous cargo onboard the sinking container vessel MV X-Press Pearl and explain to the public how it will respond to the environmental crisis, United National Party (UNP) member Dr. Ajantha Perera said yesterday.

Issuing a press release, the former presidential candidate and academic highlighted that the incident regarding the MV X-Press Pearl will have a big impact on the marine and coastal ecosystems.

“With the sinking of the X-Press Pearl vessel, Sri Lanka will have to face a major environmental crisis due to hazardous material on board. The Government has not yet fully disclosed the content of the cargo. There could be several very harmful material that will sink to the seabed with the vessel and cause damage to the marine ecosystem,” Dr. Perera explained, calling on the Government to be transparent about the vessel, its cargo and the events that lead to the fire onboard it.

Dr. Perera opined that tons of plastic nurdles, chemicals and oil on board the vessel could damage the marine ecosystems along the coast and in the lagoons.

“It is a great risk not knowing what is on board. The Government need to be responsible and disclose those details and inform the public about our response mechanism,” Dr. Perera charged.

The Opposition politician also argued that the Government should not view the incident in terms of how much monetary compensation the country could get because the long term impact of such damage cannot be quantified and will be felt by future generations 

as well.

This is the greatest damage done to Sri Lankan seas, marine ecosystem, fisheries and coast, those responsible including state officials should be taken to task, Dr. Perera opined.