Siem Offshore, Norway experiences Colombo Dockyard for the first time with Siem Hanne

Monday, 19 November 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Colombo Dockyard was the best option for Siem Offshore, when the OSV. Siem Hanne was due for her first special survey drydocking. The vessel was operating in the Indian coastal waters, thereby making Colombo one of the best locations for her repairs.

Colombo Dockyard’s marketing team managed to convince the owners to place confidence in Colombo for the repair requirements of the sophisticated vessel repairs.

The Colombo Dockyard PLC representative in Norway, Ulrik Qvale & Partners As played its part in convincing the owners to decide on Colombo.  

Once the decision was taken to place the vessel in Colombo, the project was handed over to the Ship Management team for smooth co-ordination. The shipyards flexibility was evident when the vessel’s arrival date was shifted due to delays. Colombo Dockyard keeping to its customer centric decision making was able to re-schedule the program in order the vessel entered the drydocks without delays.

Colombo’s strategic geographic position also plays a part, as the owners can place the vessel easily for their next employment in the Indian Ocean or shift to the Atlantic or Pacific oceans.    

Excerpts from the discussion with Siem Offshore Vessel Manager Terje Eikeland are given below:

Q: What was the first impression of the facility and the country?

A: My first impression of the yard was very good. Facilities were well organised and the foreman and workers very happy and easy to deal with. I didn’t get time to look around Colombo, but according to India it looks very organised.

Q: Were you satisfied with the speed of service? The quality of workmanship?

A: Very satisfied.

Q: Can you comment on the overall management of the project, the team’s attentiveness and finally satisfaction?

A: The overall management was well organised and to our satisfaction.

Q: Did you (ship-owner) get value for money during this call to Colombo?

A: Yes.

During this call the owners were preparing the vessel for her first special survey repair requirements.  

The work extensive scope package consisted of:  

  • Magnetic compass calibration
  • Deck crane load test
  • Transformer cleaning
  • Air drier repairs
  • Hull blasting and painting
  • Motors overhauling
  • Breakers simulation test
  • Engine room pump overhaul
  • 04 Nos tooth coupling overhaul
  • Controllable Pitch Propeller 2 Nos blade seal renewal
  • 02 Nos bow thrusters blade seal renewal
  • Azimuth thruster blade seals and shaft seal renewal
  • 01 No bow thruster blade seal renewal
  • 20 Nos intermediate shaft bearings overhauled
  • Main engine flexible coupling renewal
  • Engine room valve overhaul
  • Switch board cleaning
  • Alternator cleaning
  • Tank cleaning
  • Main engine air cooler cleaning
  • Life boat and davit load test
  • Servicing of fire extinguishers and fixer Co2 system
  • Accommodation fumigation etc.

The project was coordinated by the Ajith Kariapperuma –Ship Manager, ably supported by all the production teams. The engine department work involvement was high with the thruster jobs being critical for undocking / completion of the project. The project was completed within 13 days, one day ahead of the quoted duration of 14 days. The repairs were carried out meeting the requirements of classification Society Det Norske  Veritas (DNV). The vessel went on to South African waters to meet her next charter commitment efficiently after her sea trials.  

The owner’s representativeTerje Eikeland Vessel Manager overlooked the project in Colombo. The Local agents for the vessel during this call were Wilhelmsen Meridian Navigation Ltd.