4x4 championships concludes on high note powered by Wurth

Wednesday, 30 September 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



2015 4x4 championship was concluded last week after an adventurous four events throughout the year. 4x4 rallies were organised by the Four Wheel Drive Club of Sri Lanka and the spree started during the race season in Nuwara Eliya. 

The first Four Wheel Club Championship 2015 was held on the 15th at Nuwara Eliya NEM track and GregBUP_DFT_DFT-19-6ory’s 4x4 Mud Challenge with a large crowd of approximately 10,000 spectators in Nuwara Eliya. After a successful kick off in Nuwara Eliya Mud track, the 4x4 club and Sri Lanka Army went into the second phase and third round was held in Kaluaggala tracks in August. Final round was concluded last week in Embilipitiya Sapper’s track completing the championship even with more vigour.

Wurth partnered the event where Sri Lanka’s top extreme 4x4 competitors took part at this spectacular mud challenge. Wurth team was at the tracks to power the event which was filled with adventures thrilling rally experience with both local and international participants.

A six episode TV program was aired on MTV sports channel every Saturday at 7 p.m. sponsored by Wurth. The program is repeated on Thursday at 7 a.m. covers the events as well as an interesting segment where the 4x4 team shows how to build an off road vehicle or convert a standard vehicle to an off road 4x4.

Championship Awards Night was held on 21 September at Villa Palma to recognise the participants and award the champions of the rally.