Al Hashimi Association Six a Side Cricket

Saturday, 9 March 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Ruzaik Farook

Al Hashimi Association had organised a Six a Side Cricket tournament for the fourth consecutive year at the Shalika Grounds, Colombo recently. 24 teams participated in the tournament and Young Bullets Team became the champion in the Final Match. Captain of the Champion Team Sadik Mowlana received Rs. 30,000 cash awards and the challenge trophy from Chief Guest State Minister of Social Empowerment Ali Zahir Mowlana.

River Side A Team Captain Ishraq Mowlana received the Runners Up Trophy and Rs. 20,000 cash award from Najeeb Mowlana. 

President of the Association Rizvi Mowlana, Secretary Seyed Fuwaiz Mowlana, Project Chairman Rifai Mowlana and Members of the Association were present.