David Pieris Group powers 17th ‘DPGC’ Challenge Trophy MCA “E” Division 25 Over League Tournament

Wednesday, 6 March 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The 17th David Pieris Group of Companies-powered ‘DPGC’ Challenge Trophy MCA “E” Division 25 Over League Tournament 2019 is now in progress. The official sponsorship presentation was held on 28 February at the MCA Fine Dining facility – ‘The Pitch’, 6:30 p.m. Here David Pieris Motor Co. Ltd. Executive Director Romany Parakrama (4th from right) handing over the sponsorship package to MCA President Roshan Iddamalgoda, while (from left): General Secretary Mahesh de Alwis, Vice President Nalin Wickremasinghe, Vice President Rohana Dissanayake (all from MCA); David Pieris Racing and Leisure Ltd. Chief Operating Officer Nalaka Madugalla, David Pieris Motor Co. Ltd. General Manager Mahesh de Silva, and Assetline Leasing Co. Ltd. General Manager Operations Ajantha Premasiri look on.