Eagles Quadrangular Golf 2022 tees off on 5 Nov.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

SLT-Mobitel Chief Marketing Officer Prabath Dahanayake handing over the sponsorship cheque to Organising Committee Chairman Air Vice Marshal Prasanna Ranasinghe



The inaugural Eagles Quadrangular Golf Tournament 2022 will tee off on 5 November at the Eagles Golf Link, China Bay, Trincomalee from 7 a.m.

For the very first time, there will be four teams playing namely, Royal Colombo Golf Club (RCGC), Nuwara Eliya Golf Club (NEGC), Victoria Golf Club and Country Resort  (VGCR) and Eagles Golf Link, where each club will play with 13 Gent golfers with a minimum of two Lady golfers. 

The 10 top point scorers from each team will be taken in to the final winning formula calculations.

SLT-Mobitel will be the exclusive sponsor of this first event which will be an annual affair. (SJ)