Functional approach the need of the hour as SLC frets over Sony TV deal

Saturday, 18 July 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Except for the Indian cricket tour of Sri Lanka, Sony has quoted very low figures for the other tours​


By Sa’adi Thawfeeq

Sri Lanka Cricket which has nearly pulled off a coup by getting Sony Pictures Network to submit a bid for television broadcasting rights during the present trying times has yet to seal the deal, and it is not the right time to fret and for heroics when a functional approach is the need of the hour.

At a time when all other Cricket Boards – South Africa, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Bangladesh and New Zealand are without broadcast deals and fretting over their financial future, the SLC management has managed to secure for Sri Lanka cricket for the next three years till 2023.

What is stalling the deal from being finalised are the figures quoted by Sony which one cricket official described as ‘paltry’.

“They have quoted some very low figures for some of the tours except for the Indian tour. For example the England tour which was scheduled (in March and was postponed because of COVID-19) they had quoted a certain amount. They have not even quoted one fourth of that amount for the England tour which is rescheduled to take place in January next year. They have reduced the figures by 75% which is not acceptable,” said the official.

“The only thing is they are the only bidders so we understand their situation, the present market conditions and all that. But yet for all we feel that there is a little more value in the tours like England, Australia and South Africa.”

Sony and SLC have had a good rapport over the years dating back to 2002. “They have been good paymasters and they’ve never defaulted. The credibility of the company itself they are about the best there is no doubt. The only thing is we are trying to persuade them to consider giving a bit more,” the official said.

With COVID-19 not showing any signs of abating, the markets are only going to get tougher and more uncertain. Therefore swift and prompt action is the need of the hour.

Only companies and partners with strong financial backgrounds will survive these tough times. Not all companies are going to survive this period. The market is full of news about companies who have now reached a stage of not being able to fulfil their financial obligations. 

These are unprecedented times. Conservative and judicious decision-making is required from SLC to secure the future of cricket in Sri Lanka.

It is imperative for SLC to finalise the deal with its first-class partner as quick as possible so that it will put them in a situation of demanding premium monies for their title, ground as well as team sponsorship rights.