Lankan youngsters arrive in Moscow for Football for Friendship Program

Monday, 11 June 2018 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Dinuka Bandara (Young Footballer) and Ayaan Muhammadh (Young Journalist), the selected 12 year old ambassadors from Sri Lanka arrived in Moscow to participate in the Football for Friendship (F4F) Program.

On the first day, the kids will participate in the “International Friendship Camp” where they will undergo a training program to practice with their team and get used to the playing conditions. They will also be a part of the opening ceremony of the International Friendship Camp.

The young journalists will also start their work in the International Children’s Press Center. The kids will also be attending “The School of 9 Values” which teaches the kids about the 9 values that F4F stands for.

Since 2013, PJSC Gazprom has been organising the International Children’s social program Football for Friendship. The key values promoted by the program participants include friendship, equality, fairness, health, peace, devotion, victory, tradition and honour. The participants are Young Players (girls and boys, including those physically challenged), as well as Young Journalists covering the F4F events within the framework of the Football for Friendship International Children’s Press Center. Geographical scope of the program expands annually: From eight countries in 2013 to 211 countries in 2018. For the past five years, more than 3,700 people have participated in the program. Football for Friendship is supported by FIFA, UEFA, International Olympic Committee, football federations of various countries, international children’s charity funds, and world’s leading football clubs.