Nepali rider drowns during Sri Lanka mountain bike race

Thursday, 14 June 2018 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

AFP: A mountain biker drowned yesterday after falling into a river during an international race in Sri Lanka, police said. 

The Nepali rider was swept to his death after falling into the Mahaweli River at Kuda Oya, 230 km (135 miles) southeast of the capital Colombo. 

“We have recovered the body from a nearby reservoir,” a police official in the area said by telephone. The rider is not being named until his family has been informed. National carrier Sri Lankan Airlines, which hosted the five-day race known as “Rumble in the Jungle”, announced it would be cancelling the event after yesterday’s tragedy. 

There were 39 competitors in the race, mostly foreigners including riders from the UK, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.