New SLC President to visit Dubai to meet ICC officials

Thursday, 28 February 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Newly elected President Shammi Silva

Sri Lanka Cricket’s newly elected President Shammi Silva will leave for Dubai today to meet with top ICC officials and also attend several ICC meetings. 

On Friday, 1 March, he will attend the induction session for new directors, and on the following day will take part in the ICC Directors Board meeting. 

Silva will also attend the ICC Business Corporation (IBC) Directors’ Board Meeting on the same evening.

“I will discuss with ICC to release the funds due to SLC, which was withheld by the governing body until an elected body was established at SLC,” said Silva.

SLC CEO Ashley De Silva is already in Dubai attending the ongoing CEC meetings. Several executive committee members will also accompany President Silva during the visit.