Ritzbury Chocolates power Vidudaya Ritzbury Swimming Championship for 2nd time

Friday, 8 March 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CBL Foods International General Manager Marketing Nilupul de Silva handing over the Vidudaya Ritzbury Swimming Championship sponsorship to University of Sri Jayewardenepura Sports Advisory Board Chairman Prof. Pradeep Jayaweera while also seen are Public Relations Manager Janaka Botheju, CBL Foods Brand Manager

Aruna Liyanapathirana, Director Physical Education Nishanthi Vidanage and University of Sri Jayewardenepura Tournament Secretary Sudarshana Keerthirathna 


Ritzbury, Sri Lanka’s number one chocolate brand manufactured by Ceylon Biscuits Ltd. (CBL) plays a significant role in uplifting sports in Sri Lanka and is now taking another vital step forward by sponsoring swimming for the second time. 

Ritzbury chocolate brand being the sole sponsor joins hands with the University of Sri Jayawardenepura, which has the largest swimming pool in Sri Lanka, to make the Ritzbury All-island Interschool Age Group Swimming Championship a success once again.

This Championship will attract over 2,000 swimmers from over 120 schools and swimming sports clubs and will be held on 9 and 10 March at the Pool Complex of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. There will be 96 individual events and 24 relay events with under 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 competitors participating to win junior, senior and overall championship trophies.

University of Sri Jayewardenepura Vice Chancellor Prof. Sampath Amaratunga commented: “We greatly appreciate and are encouraged by the support extended by Ritzbury as the leading brand of chocolate to make the Vidudaya Ritzbury Swimming Championship a success. Their commendable gesture will undoubtedly inspire more participants to focus on swimming to improve their health and fitness.”

CBL Foods International Ltd. General Manager Marketing Nilupul De Silva stated: “We are committed to motivating more and more young sportsmen and women to give their best and excel in swimming. Ritzbury as a market leader in chocolates is honoured and privileged to partner with the Sri Jayewardenepura University to offer this great opportunity to all our young swimmers to exhibit their talents.”

Ritzbury is an outstanding supporter of sports in Sri Lanka and currently also sponsors the Sir John Tarbet School Athletic Championship (JTAC) and the Junior National Squash Championship (JNSC).