Singer Inter Schools Rugby season kicks off today

Thursday, 28 February 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


By Shamzeer Jaleel

Bilal Hilmy to lead the Peterites 
Harith Senanayake will lead the Thomians 

The much awaited crowd puller, Singer League Schools 2019 rugby encounters will kick off today. Rugby will be at its peak in the coming three months with the league and followed by the knock out and the sevens.

Defending President Trophy knock-out Champions, St. Peter’s College, will lock horns with St. Thomas College at Mount Lavinia while Joes will play Science College at Longden Place. Both these encounters will take place today (28 February).

Thomians vs Peterite encounter will be played for Archibald Perera Memorial trophy. Last year both teams did not play due to the league rules and Thomians who won the trophy in 2016 will defend it this year. Thomians are dominating in the last five years of the series with winning three of them. Bilal Hilmy will lead the Bambalapitiya outfit while the Thomians will be led by Harith Senanayake. Shamly Nawas is in charge of the Mount Lavinia lads while Martis done the hard work for the Petrite will be back soon with the Bambalapitiya lads.

Meanwhile Joes will be led by Tharindu De Alwis with the Mount Lavinia Science led by Shashin Munasinghe. Joes is coached by Nilfer Ibrahim.