Singer League 2019

Friday, 1 March 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


There will be three matches down for the decision tomorrow, all being played in Colombo, while the last weekend

Reshan Bandaranayake leads Trinity
Thulaib Hassen leads Royal

match will be in Kandy between Kingswood and Wesley Colleges.

Royal, the defending Singer League champions, will be up against the new entrants to the top division, Maliyadeva College, with the match being played at Royal Sports Complex.

Trinity, too, will be in Colombo when they lock horns with Zahira College at Maradana. Trinity will be led by Reshan Bandaranayake.

Antonians will be playing Isipathana at Havelock Park. Serasinghe will lead the Pathana outfit, while Makarim heads the Antonian unit.

The last match for week 1 will be the important clash between Kingswood and Wesley, when they play for the L E Blaze Trophy encounter at Nittawela.


2 March

Royal vs. Maliyadeva              Royal Complex

Isipathana vs. St. Anthony’s Havelock Park

Zahira vs. Trinity                    Maradana 


3 March

Kingswood vs. Wesley Nittawela


Schools Rugby Groups

Segment IA

Royal, St Peter’s, Kingswood, Wesley, S. Thomas’ and Maliyadeva


 Segment IIA

St Joseph’s, Isipathana, Trinity, Zahira, St Anthony’s, and Science (SJ)