Situation needs to come under control: Lasitha Gunaratne

Wednesday, 8 April 2020 01:51 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Daily FT caught up with the President of Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR) Lasitha Gunaratne, for an interview on the current situation and future of rugby in the country .

President of Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR) Lasitha Gunaratne


The former Royalist, 1988 Bradby winning skipper, and CR & FC and national XV’s player, said: “Due to the current situation not only in our country. but all over the globe we cannot decide on any sporting event at present. Recovery process will take a long time and people to get back to their normal life before participating in sports activities.

“We saw even the Olympic Games 2020 which was scheduled to take place in Japan later in two months time was postponed for next year.

“As a council we haven’t taken a decision yet. But we are waiting till the situation returns to normal before taking a decision on the Clifford Cup, which will take a maximum of 14 days of play with seven games on the cards.”

Gunaratne however added that could not see “anything taking place before June or July 2020.”

Colombo had been due to host the Asia Rugby Championship Division 1 in April/May this year, but Gunaratne revealed that the postponed tournament would possibly be held in October/November at the earliest - provided Asia Rugby and the Sri Lankan government gives its approval. 

“[We] will look at hosting this [tournament] in October/November if Asia Rugby (AR) approves. Also Sri Lanka Rugby needs the governments approval to host this event which will be used as a yard stick for the ARC Top3 in 2021,” stated Gunaratne.

Another tournament thrown into doubt has been the Asian Sevens three-leg event, which is scheduled to take place in September/October in China, South Korea and Sri Lanka. 

“Asia Rugby should make a decision If this could go ahead as planned if the situation comes back to normal,” explained Gunaratne. “If any of those three countries cannot host  the tournament this year then AR should look for alternative hosting unions. 

“If we are to host we have to make sure that safety of the players will be the top priority. The government of Sri Lanka with the ministries approval should give the green light for us to host the final leg.

“At the moment our focus is getting the situation of the country back to normal and ensuring that all are safe and healthy.” (SJ)