Tehan Karunanayake to lead Trinity rugby

Saturday, 30 November 2019 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel

Third year player and Scrum half, Tehan Karunanayake was appointed as the skipper of the Trinity College Under 19 rugby outfit for 2020.

Tehan, who played for the Up Country School in 2018 and 2019, will have Thidas Thanthirige who plays in number 8 position as his deputy. 

They will have senior players such as Miranga Subasinghe, Zayd Faizal and Mohamed Shuaib in their outfit. 

They are coached by former New Zealand All Black Test player, Rodney So’oialo. 

The up country team will be playing alongside Royal, St. Joseph’s, S. Thomas’, Kingswood and St. Anthony’s in Group A in round 1 of the Singer League 2020.