Tharindu to lead Joes

Thursday, 28 February 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel

Tharindu De Alwis number 8 who is playing in his fifth year will lead the Joes outfit this year. Tharindu represented the national under-18 sevens outfit at the Youth Olympics in 2017 and later in the Asian Rugby Championship under-19 last year.

Head Coach Nilfer Ibrahim, who took the Joes outfit to runner-up positions in the league and knockout, will be expecting to bring the trophy to Maradana this year around.

Meanwhile, Wesley will be led by Mursheed Zubair, the fourth year crack player. One of the most prolific players in school rugby, he was outstanding in the last two years for Wesley.

Prop forward and strongly built, Ziad Thajudeen will lead Zahira this year in their under-19 outfit. Zahira will play Trinity in their opening encounter at Maradana.

Newly promoted Maliyadeva College will be under Kaushalya Gunaweera and Science College will be led by their fifth year player Sashin Munasinghe.