Tour of Toronto Police Cricket Club to Sri Lanka 2019

Friday, 22 February 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Toronto, in co-ordination with the Toronto Police Cricket Club (TPCC), and the Sri Lanka Police Cricket Team arranged a Tour of Toronto Police Cricket Club to Sri Lanka for a friendly cricket encounter, which is scheduled be held from 18 to 27 February at Sri Lanka Police Cricket Grounds, Thimbirigasyaya. Six matches will be played between the two teams. The TPCC team consists of 14 members from the Toronto Police force. 

The event is intended to bring together cricket-loving communities from Sri Lanka and Canada. This is a valuable opportunity to foster a partnership with Toronto Police which may lead to training opportunities for Sri Lankan Police personnel in the future.  

TPCC President Mansoor Ahmed and TPCC Captain Godwin Alfred met with Sri Lanka’s Consul General in Toronto Kapila Jayaweera on 15 February at the Consulate General before their departure to Sri Lanka.