USA Gymnastics apologises in Congress for widespread sex abuse scandal

Saturday, 26 May 2018 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

USA Gymnastics head Kerry Perry, right, and US Olympic Committee Acting Chief Executive Susanne Lyons testified before a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday. – Associated Press


Washington, AFP: The new head of USA Gymnastics apologised before Congress on Wednesday for the “despicable” sexual abuse of Olympic gymnasts by disgraced team doctor Larry Nassar and pledged to make athlete safety the top priority. 

The leader of USA Swimming also expressed regret during a congressional hearing for past sexual abuse scandals in the sport. 

Referring to Nassar, Susanne Lyons, the acting CEO of the US Olympic Committee (USOC), told the House Energy and Commerce Committee that the “Olympic community failed the people it was supposed to protect.” “This is appalling and unacceptable,” Lyons said. “I would like to apologize once again to those individuals and their families.” Nassar, 54, is serving a life sentence for abusing hundreds of young girls and women while working at Michigan State University and as the team doctor for the US Olympic Gymnastics team. 

“Athlete safety must be at the forefront of everything we do,” said Kerry Perry, who took over as president and CEO of USA Gymnastics in December. 

“Like all of you, I was appalled and sickened by the despicable crimes (of Nassar),” Perry said. “I want to apologize to all who were harmed by the horrific acts. 

“Let there be no mistake; those days are over,” she said. “USA Gymnastics is on a new path, with new leadership, and a commitment to ensure this never happens again.” Timothy Hinchey, president and CEO of USA Swimming, said his organisation “acknowledges and deeply regrets the abuse suffered by children, athletes, and other participants in swimming programs.” “Participation in sport should offer physical, social and emotional benefits, but for some, it has resulted in abuse and trauma that will negatively impact the rest of their lives,” Hinchey said. “That is inexcusable.” The Nassar scandal rocked American gymnastics and led to the resignation of the entire board of USA Gymnastics and CEO Steve Penny. 

USOC CEO Scott Blackmun also stepped down amid calls for his resignation. 

Nassar pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting women and girls over a two-decade period under the guise of medical treatment. 

Olympic gold medalists Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Gabby Douglas and McKayla Maroney have all come forward and said they were victims of Nassar’s abuse. 

Earlier this month, Michigan State University announced it had reached a $ 500 million settlement with 332 former victims.