Vijayabahu Motocross this weekend

Friday, 15 June 2018 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel

The annual Vijayabahu Motocross 2018 event, organised by the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment for the 16th consecutive year in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Racing Riders Association, will take place at the Vijayabahu motocross circuit at Boyagane, Kurunegala on 17 June starting from 8.00 a.m.

The Vijayabahu Motocross 2018 will include 13 events this year with the participation of over 100 local and foreign veterans in the field of motor racing. Veteran riders Ishan Dissanayake, Ivon B. Gurusinghe, Gayan Sandaruwan, Shanuka Sandaruwan, Buddhika Silva, G.M.B. Kalhara, Lahiru Jeewantha, Stephen Fernando and an international rider Tomaya Suzuki from Japan have confirmed their participation in this event.

The first race was held in 2000 with the participation of the racing riders of the Sri Lanka Army from Wayamba and island-wide with a view to popularise the sport and create avenues for riders to show their prowess. It will also generate funds to provide welfare facilities for the families of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment officers and soldiers from other ranks killed and missing in action. 

Funds raised by the previous motocross event were utilised for ventures such as the construction of houses for the members of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, providing infrastructure facilities for officers and other ranks, awarding scholarship and the donation of computers to children of the members of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment to excel in their studies.

TVS Lanka is the main sponsor of the event while Sri Lanka Insurance, MAS Holdings and ESER Marketing will be the co-sponsors. Elephant House, Hutch, Stafford Motors, CEAT Kelani Tyres, Nine Hearts and Channel Eye are the other sponsors.