Age Group, Novices and Open Swimming Championship begins on 20 Dec.

Friday, 19 December 2014 01:15 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel The 10th Age Group, Novices and Open Swimming Championships, organised by the Central Province Aquatic Sports Association (CEPASA) and sponsored by Litro Gas, will take place at the Dharmaraja College Swimming Complex on 20 December from 8 a.m. The event will attract more than 500 swimmers from several leading schools. A former star swimmer who represented Sri Lanka at the South Asian Federation Games and the Olympic qualifying round, former Royalist Julian Bowling will grace the occasion. The defending Boys Age Group champs are Trinity College while the winners in the Novices category are Dharmaraja College. Unfortunately the Trinitians will not participate at this year’s event. In the girls segment, both categories will be defended by Mahamaya Girls’ College, who have won the Age Group Championship from its inception will be a tough team to be beat this year as well. Mahamaya, Girls’ High School, Seetha Devi BV, Sussex College, Vihara Maha Devi BV, Swarnamali BV, St. Anthony’s BV, Ecole International, Vision International and Gangasiripura MV will take part in the girls’ segment. The Over 16 open event will see the University of Peradeniya and Sri Lanka Army battling it out for supremacy.