Fathima Girls School holds annual sports meet

Saturday, 3 March 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Text and Pix by Ruzaik Farook

The Inter - House sports meet of Fathima Girls School, Thimbrigasaya  Colombo was held at the school premises recently under the patronage of Don and Mrs. Della from UK who was chief guest.  Colombo Wycherley International School Director M.H.M. Rafiq and All Ceylon Muslim Women’s Association Executive Patron Mrs. Haleeda Sahabdeen graced the occasion as a guests of honour and distributed prizes to the winners.

Sun Flower House emerged champions and chief guests Don and Mrs. Della distributed the champion awards to captain of the house Nafari Mohideen.

This school was established for orphans and was inaugurated on 4th June 2002. Presently 105 students and nine teachers at this school under the Principal  Mrs.Fareeda Mohamed.