Havelock Sports Club Rugby gets nutrition partner

Wednesday, 17 December 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Prima Treats will be the co sponsors Havelock Sports Club as the official nutrition partner for the second consecutive year. Having concluded a thrilling campaign in 2014, ending up third place in the table, Havelock’s Rugby team aims at reclaiming its past glory by winning the championship in 2015 club rugby tournament. Havelocks sports club is widely renowned and respected, for its valuable contribution for the sport at large, and as a club which produced some of the brightest stars in the illustrious game, and continues doing so in the time to come. Prima Treats, associates with the sport and will extend their presence, than limiting to a mere sponsorship, there will be colorful stalls at all home matches, representing the vibrant brand. Scrumptious sausages, hotdogs, grilled marinated chicken parts and crumb coated chicken delights will be served hot, to cater to the hypes of the action packed thrilling encounters, to its much loved audience.