Kandy-CH game postponed

Friday, 16 January 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel The inter-club rugby encounter between CH&FC and Kandy, which was scheduled to be played this Sunday, was postponed at the request of the Gymkhana Club. According to information available CH&FC is finding it difficult to compete at the on-going tournament due to the fact that they have no sponsors and the present the rugby season clashing with the cricket season which is hampering their chances of using the grounds, which will be occupied by their cricket team, CCC. The Gymkhana Club has a proud history of more than 150 years and has produced several outstanding players in club rugby. Though the club officials have written to the Sri Lanka Rugby Football Union (SLRFU) they have still to get a favourable reply with regard to their financial issues in order to continue playing at the top division. Some years back the same plight was met by many clubs playing at the top level. One rugby season, which runs for a minimum of four months, costs about Rs. 25 million. In the past too some top clubs such as Kurunegala RFC, Old Trinitian SC, Old Zahirians SC, Petersons SC and Up Country SC lost their way due to financial issues.