Kandy edges out CR to continue winning streak

Monday, 15 December 2014 00:03 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel reporting from Nittawela Kandy Sports Club continued their unbeaten run to five games in a row when they edged out their old enemy CR & FC by 19 Points (2 Goals, 1 Try) to 13 Points (2 tries, 1 Penalty) at the Nittawela Rugby Stadium yesterday. Kandy SC flanker Shashika Jayawardena on attack   At the short breather Kandy SC led 7-0 Conditions were ideal for open rugby with the sun shining at the beautiful Nittawela Rugby Stadium which helped for an open rugby, a field day for the packed house at the ground. As usual the Kandy and CR game is expected to be a close affair and it’s considered as an old enemy game between the two rival clubs. History speaks as Kandy SC’s revival started only in 1992 when the Kandy born players came back to their base from CR & FC in Colombo. Kandy playing minus their regular flanker Chris Colette and winger Anurudha Wilwara played well in the initial half. In the line outs CR & FC was better while in lose play Kandy looked sharp. Their centre Fazil Marija played an outstanding game not only scoring two tries but also with some rock solid defense. But for Kandy SC’s worry on fly half position continued with Quinton Crocker having an off day. He not only missed two easy kickable penalties but also his defense was far from average. The Kenyan centre Oscar Ouma played a good game defending well plus giving some good cover defense which kept the “Red Shirts” away from scoring. Kandy Centre Fazil Marija about to score the second try for Kandy Come the second half CR & FC settled down well coming back in to the game with a penalty and two more unconverted tries but it was too late as the referee blew the final whistle. Kandy SC scored through Fazil Marija (2) and Shashika Jayawardena. Crocker and Roshan Weeraratne converted a try each. For CR & FC tries were scored by Sasanka Ariyaratne and Kanchana Ramanayake. Skipper Ashan Costa put over a penalty for the Red shirts. Kandy will celebrate Christmas with a two week break and play against CH & FC on January 3 next year in Colombo. Referee-Garrat Williamsons (NZ) Match Commissioner-Tuan Dole Citing Officer-Viper Gunaratne (jnr) Pix by Abdhull Shafeek