McCullum fit to play Afghanistan: Coach

Thursday, 5 March 2015 02:42 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

NAPIER (Reuters): New Zealand captain Brendon McCullum batted with freedom in the nets on Wednesday and should be fit to play Sunday’s World Cup clash against Afghanistan despite taking a heavy blow to the arm. McCullum was hit high on the left forearm by a Mitchell Johnson delivery in Saturday’s one-wicket win over Australia and received treatment on the ground, though it did not force him off Eden Park.   “Yep, there’s no reason for him not to play,” New Zealand coach Mike Hesson told reporters in Napier on Wednesday where the team re-assembled after three days off. “The swelling is going down. It looks a bit ordinary at the moment but he’s batted today without any issues. He’s fine.” Unbeaten New Zealand lead Pool A on eight points and face Afghanistan at McLean Park on Sunday before their final clash against Bangladesh in Hamilton on 13 March.