‘Old Girl Power’ takes over ‘Big Match Fever’ this March

Friday, 16 January 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Similar to the recent shift in Sri Lanka’s political landscape, Colombo too will soon experience a dynamic revolution as ‘Old Girl Power’ debuts in 2015, co-opting March’s traditional, ‘Big Match Fever’, kicking off with a cycle race on 1 March 2015, which will peak with an invitational sports meet to be held at the Sports Ministry Grounds on 8 March 2015, which is International Women’s Day. The inaugural Girl Power Inter School Old Girls Sports Meet is a series of sporting events for a good cause for women by women, which unites past pupils of six schools. Taking on ‘the Boys’ at their own game, this event will focus mainly on camaraderie, fun and laughter in the spirit of sisterhood. More so, it is about fellowship and charity, namely the collection of donations for women in the North Central Province, who are desperately in need of clean drinking water to offset the high, regional incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Past pupils of Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya, Ladies’ College, Methodist College, Musaeus College, St Paul’s Milagiriya and Visakha Vidyalaya have signed on for the Girl Power Invitational Inter School Old Girls Sports Meet. While a carnival atmosphere, with entertainment, food stalls, and more is guaranteed, for the whole family. Competitive individual and team events, divided into five age-related categories, under 30, under 40, under 50, under 60, over 60, as well as open events, for ladies of all ages willing to test their sporting mettle, this meet is sure to encompass some nail-biting finishes and exciting all-round ‘games-woman-ship’. So, ladies between 19 and 80 wanting to have fun, frolic and laughter surrounded by both old friends and new, get ready to take a dip in the fountain of youth; participate in the many fun-filled team and individual events planned. Contact participating schools for more information.