Palestinians celebrate Asian Cup breakthrough

Tuesday, 13 January 2015 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

GAZA (Reuters): Palestinians at home and those in the stadium in Newcastle refused to let a 4-0 drubbing by Japan hinder the party as they celebrated their first ever match at the Asian Cup. Hundreds of fans, including women and children, gathered at a large venue in Gaza City to watch their national team on a giant screen take on the title holders of Asia’s biggest soccer tournament play in a country that does not recognise them. An eighth minute goal for Japan, scored by Yasuhito Endo, did not dampen spirits as drums continued to be heard, while fans called out the names of players and their team ‘Palestine’. Goalkeeper Ramzi Saleh, who said before kick-off he wanted to use the tournament to promote his homeland, and the skilful forward Ashraf Al-Fawaghra received the bulk of the cheers. Palestinians call their team ‘Al-Fedayi’ which means the one who sacrifices life for the sake of the homeland. Japan predictably added further goals but still the party atmosphere flowed, with those in Gaza seeing Palestinian flags being waved by singing supporters inside the Newcastle Stadium. “Regardless of the result we are very proud of our team, our players, who are flying the flag of Palestine in such international contests,” said Ali Abu Khalil, a high school student. “Today we do not have the capability and the resources to compete but one day we will gain the way and the talent to win contests,” said the boy, wearing a Palestinian flag on his shoulders and surrounded by a group of friends. Youth danced to the rhythm of the drum and national music in a large covered hall, the smoke of cigarettes clouding over those in attendance. In a place torn apart by political differences, the Gaza Strip, home to 1.8 million people, sport represents a common source of entertainment and cafes get usually packed of people during soccer matches, especially the English Premier League and Spanish La Liga. The national team are also keenly followed and have made great strides since being recognised by FIFA in 1998. Last year they won the AFC Challenge Cup to qualify for the 16-team Asian Cup in Australia despite difficulties in arranging training camps, matches or even gathering their best players.