Police and Army game pick of the week

Friday, 2 January 2015 00:10 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel The inter-club rugby season will come to the end of its first round this week with four matches up for decision. Due to this Sunday (4 January) being a Poya day, all matches will be played on 3 January. There will be three matches which will be played in Colombo while the fourth match will take place at Beliatte. Oscar Ouma is one of the best defenders in the game for Kandy This week’s matches will start with the game between Kandy and CH&FC at Havelock Park. Kandy, who are making a major comeback in order to secure the league and knockout title, will be in action and are expected to have an easy run with a bonus point win. This will take them to the top of the table. They have also taken in a former Tongan player who is residing in Japan at present. Koto Pongi, who can fill in as flanker, winger or number 8, will be an asset to the Kandy outfit. They will also have their overseas players Chris Colette and Oscar Ouma to add power and strength. Their winger Anurudha Wilwara looks a doubtful starter for this game as he is yet to recover from his knee injury. CH&FC who are going through a lean patch will find it tough to contain the three quarter line of Kandy. This game will be controlled by a referee from Singapore. Havelocks, who are placed third behind SC and Kandy, will play against the Hambantota Sharks at Havelock Park. Havies who are having a very good outfit are yet to play to their potential and the full 80 minutes of the game. Most of their games they have lost due to poor play the second half play, losing focus. Both their games against Navy and Kandy were within their reach but due to poor decision making and leadership cost them both the outings. One of the leading referees Dinka Peries will referee this game. Kandy are looking for the league title after a lapse of two years   CR&FC who are going through a tough season will host Sri Lanka Air Force at Longden Place. The ‘Red Shirts’ led by Ashan Costa got some talented players such as Murad Ramzeen and Kanchana Ramanayake in their outfit. Coached by Imthisam Marrikar the former Trinity ‘Lion’ team is to look forward in the second round. Former Sylvestrian player Aruna Rankothge will be the referee at this encounter. The last encounter of the week will be the game between Police and Army at Police Park. This will be a close affair with both teams matching each. Army SC got some outstanding Fijians in their ranks. Randika Alwis, Sheshan Mohamed and Prince Chamara will add power to the Solders team. Police SC will depend heavily on Apasi Nagavitia. Police paid heavily due to the expectation being very high on this player. Police SC looked after by Hafeel Marso will be all out to end the first round with a win. This game too will be handled by a referee from Singapore.