Radwanska downs Serena in Hopman Cup final

Monday, 12 January 2015 00:50 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

(Reuters): Agnieszka Radwanska showed why she should be considered among the favourites for the Australian Open later this month by beating world number one Serena Williams in the final of the Hopman Cup in Perth on Saturday. The Polish world number five claimed a 6-4 6-7 (3) 6-1 win to put her country 1-0 up in the mixed team event. Jerzy Janowicz is next on court against American John Isner able to seal the title with victory prior to the mixed doubles later on Saturday. “When I go and play against her, you have nothing really to lose, she is number one in the world and a great champion,” Radwanska told reporters of her beaten foe. “It doesn’t matter what the score is. It’s never over, she’s a great fighter. I’m just very happy that I could come back after that second set and play my good game in the third set. “Wins like this always give a lot of confidence.” Radwanska’s first victory over Williams in nine meetings comes after she signed up former American great Martina Navratilova as a coach. The Australian Open begins in Melbourne on 19 January.