Sampaposha powers Inter-School Football Tournament for 7th successive year

Tuesday, 13 October 2015 00:13 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Providing nutrition to the nation, Samaposha, manufactured by Plenty Foods Ltd., a fully-owned subsidiary of Ceylon Biscuits Ltd. (CBL) will sponsor the Under 15 Inter-School Football Tournament for the seventh consecutive year. 

Organised in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Football Federation, the ‘Samaposha Under-15 Inter-School Football Championship 2015’ will kick off on 13 October.

A total of 400 boys’ teams and 100 girls’ teams representing more than 500 schools islandwide totaling over 10,000 students will participate in this year’s tournament. Encompassing all districts in the country, 32 centers islandwide will host the tournament. 

The final round is scheduled during 30 November to 3 December and is to be held in Jaffna with 32 boys’ teams and 24 girls’ teams participating.

DFT-23-4Ceylon Biscuits Group General Manager – Marketing Theja Peiris handing over the Samaposha Girl’s Trophy to Football Federation of Sri Lanka President Anura De Silva in the presence of CBL Marketing Manager Nilupul De Silva, Plenty Foods Director/CEO Shammi Karunaratne and Football Federation Secretary General Balendra Anthony

At the finals, awards will be presented to the Best Boy Player and Best Girl Player and also to the Best Goalkeeper of the tournament.

Commenting on the tournament, Anura de Silva, President Football Federation of Sri Lanka, said: “The Under-15 Inter school championship for football is recognised among students as decidedly the most competitive but friendly tournaments held. A great deal of effort and camaraderie is seen in this tournament and gives us an opportunity to identify talented players. This tournament is DFT-23-5an ideal opportunity to be used as a platform to increase the keenness and enthusiasm among students for this sport. Towards this effort we are extremely grateful to Samaposha who has come forward and who continuously sponsors this annual tournament.”

“Samaposha has been contributing and working towards the development of school football for over seven years and the ‘Samaposha Football Championship’ has been held successively for seven years. It is heartening to see boys and girls who have played in this school tournament recognised as national football players,” de silva added.

Samaposha’s main objective in sponsoring this tournament is to provide our children with a secure nutritional solution with an aim of empowering future generations. 

Shammi Karunaratne, Director/CEO Plenty Foods Ltd., expressed the company’s renewed commitment to continue to always be in the forefront of supporting football. He said, “Being energetic towards a sport is insufficient – ability to play, have the necessary endurance, have self-belief and building discipline towards it are also important. To achieve all these factors it is paramount to consume proper nutrition.”

During last year’s Samaposha’s Under-15 Inter School Football Tournament, C.W.W. Kannangara MV Galle won the boys’ category and Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya Kurunegala won in the girls’ category.

“Football is the world’s most popular sport. To play it one needs a football, a football pitch and strong sportsmen and women. Also vital for the sport is the accompanying agility and strength achieved through proper nutrition. Nutrition and more importantly a balanced nutrition is provided by Samaposha. Despite traditionally consuming milk, eggs, meat, fish to provide the body with the required protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients, this can now be achieved through consuming Sampaosha as it incorporates all the essential nutritional components. The required stamina necessary for sportsmen and sportswomen is present in this superfood,” said Nilupul De Silva, Marketing Manager, CBL.