School sevens to be worked off in Kandy

Saturday, 10 January 2015 04:31 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Shamseer Jaleel The Central Province Rugby Football Union (CPRFU) will organise and conduct a sevens tournament for under 20 schools from the Central Province. The final date of the tournament will be decided this weekend and it is likely to take place on 15 January at Nittawela Ruby grounds. In the ‘A’ division teams from Trinity, Vidyartha, Dharmaraja, Sylvester’s, Kingswood and St. Anthony’s will take part, while in the ‘B’ division Sri Rahula Katugastota, Nugawela Central, Sri Sumanagala, Chandanada Vidyalaya, St. Anne’s and Maliyadeva will lock horns in this tournament. There will be awards for the Player of the Tournament, Cup, Plate and Bowl winners from both the segments.