Sports Complex foundation laying ceremony

Saturday, 27 December 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Text and pix by Ruzaik Farook The Old Boys Association of Zahira College Colombo organised a foundation stone laying ceremony for the Zahira Sports Complex at the college premises recently. The Sports Complex for the college is yet another project of the OBA for which the fund raising was launched at the Centenary Dinner recently at the Hotel Hilton. The Sports Complex will consist of facilities for the visiting and home teams, gymnasium, squash court, indoor games area for carom, chess etc., basketball court, badminton court and boxing ring. Chief Guest Brandix Director Aslam Omar, Senior Minister A.H.M. Fowzie, Justice Saleem Marsoof, Principal Trizvi Marikkar, Vice Principal Ananda Ponnemperuma, OBA President and Chairman Board of Governors Fowzul Hameed , Project Chairman Jisty Fawmy, Sports Council Chairman M.S.M. Mazeer, Secretary Muhsin Ariff and old boys were present at the ceremony.