Sri Lanka Cricket responds to bribery charges by MP Handunetti

Friday, 20 March 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lanka Cricket has responded to complaints made by JVP MP Sunil Handunetti to the Commission of Bribery and Corruption. The elaborate responses have been uploaded on the Sri Lanka Cricket website SLC has gone public with the responses because the JVP Media Unit had done the same with regard to its complaint to the Bribery Commission. The responses comprise two elements, namely the answers given by the SLC Executive Committee and the answers provided by the Hony. Secretary. The decision to go public with responses was made by the SLC Executive Committee at its meeting on 10 March. “The sheets of answers will also be sent to the offices of the President, the Prime Minister and the Minster of Sports,” SLC said in a statement issued yesterday.