Under 20 Zahira Rugby Seven Tournament on Sunday

Monday, 12 March 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Text and pic by Ruzaik Farook

The Group of ’60s (Old Boys) of Zahira College will organise the under 20 Zahira Rugby Seven Tournament on 18 March (Sunday) from 8 a.m. onwards at Zahira College Grounds.

The schools that are participating in the tournament Ananda, Dharmaraja, Isipathana, Kingswood, Nalanda, Prince of Wales, Science , St. Peters, Thurstan, Trinity, Vidyarathna and Zahira and also participating are Tunku Jaffar Secondary School and Kuchin Rugby Football Club Combined Schools Team from Malaysia.

The trophies for the winners and runners up teams in the Cup, Plate and Bowl: Championship.  cash award Rs. 50,000 for the cup winners and Rs. 30,000 for cup runners up, cash award of Rs. 20,000 for Plate winners and Rs. 10,000 for plate runners up. Cash award of Rs. 10,000 for Bowl winners.  Medals for winning teams in the Cup, Plate and Bowl.

Tournament draw

Group A: Science College, Nalanda College, Thurstan College

Group B: St. Peters College, Tunku Jaffar Secondary School, Prince of Wales College, Trinity College

Group C: Dharmaraja College, Kuchin Rugby Football Club Combined Schools, Isipathana College, Zahira College

Group D: Vidyarathna College, Kingswood College and Ananda College