Wolff to take part in two free practice sessions

Thursday, 5 March 2015 02:13 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Reuters: Williams test driver Susie Wolff will take part in Friday practice sessions at this year’s British and Spanish Grands Prix, the Formula One team said on Tuesday. The Scot, wife of Mercedes motorsport head Toto Wolff, will also have a day of testing at the Red Bull Ring following the Austrian Grand Prix in June.   Wolff had two free practice sessions with Williams last season. “Our focus this year is to build on the success of 2014 - I’ve been training hard all winter and I am physically in the best shape I’ve ever been, so I am ready for the season ahead,” she said in a statement.   “As official test driver I will have additional time in the FW37 and by correlating this with my work in the simulator, the team can ensure we are getting the best from the car and check how updates are performing.” The season starts in Australia on 15 March.