Crossover crosscurrents!

Monday, 24 November 2014 00:25 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • No more defections from SLFP, vows Pavithra
  • Vidura Wickremanayake, Nimal Siripala vow to remain with SLFP
  • Opposition promises more defections during Budget vote today
  • UPFA says Opposition alliance is Ranil-CBK-foreign powers-LTTE nexus
  • Maithripala is a pawn to make electorally unsuccessful Ranil PM, says Govt.
  • Maithripala says no foreign conspiracy behind decision to challenge President

Maithripala Sirisena (C) stands near UNP Leadership Council Chairman Karu Jayasuriya (L) and Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero as he arrives for a meeting at Kotte Naga Viharaya Buddhist temple yesterday – Reuters/Dinuka Liyanawatte

The political week is poised to start with a bang, with a buoyant Opposition promising more defections from the ruling UPFA coalition, while the Government vowed yesterday that it had put measures in place to stop the bleed.

Crossover and counter-crossover speculation is rife, with several Government MPs expected to cross the chamber symbolically tomorrow during the Third Reading of the Budget. Budget is unlikely to be defeated, with the Government in command of a 161 majority in the 225 seat Parliament. With the series of SLFP defections so far and the JHU’s withdrawal of support, the Government numbers could be down from 161 seats to 152, dangerously close to losing its two-thirds majority in the House that it has enjoyed since 2010. “I give you my assurance as a Minister of Cabinet and I say this with responsibility. There will be no more conspirators and no more defections to the Opposition,” Power and Energy Minister Pavitra Wanniarachchi told the daily UPFA press conference at the SLFP Headquarters in Colombo yesterday. The Government had been engaged in a major operation overnight on Saturday, the Minister told journalists. Wanniarachchi said Maithripala Sirisena, who announced his candidacy as the main Opposition challenger to President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Friday (21), had engaged in a “great betrayal”. Several potential pole-vaulters within the Government extended their support to the President over the weekend, indicating that hectic negotiations had been underway to stem the flow of defectors after the announcement of the Sirisena candidacy. UPFA MP Vidura Wickremanayake announced he and his father, former Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake, would remain with the SLFP and support President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the election. “If we want to talk about personal grievances, we have many,” Wickremanayake told a meeting yesterday. “But sometimes you have to think about the country. So my father and I have made a decision to stay,” he said. Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva vowed in Badulla yesterday that he would not cross over to the Opposition. “Even if Mahinda leaves the SLFP, I won’t leave,” De Silva told reporters at a press briefing in his electorate. Amid speculation that he may be offered the premiership, the Leader of the House noted that he was not after portfolios. Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage who also addressed the press briefing acknowledged that the series of defections on Friday had sent ripples through the Government camp. “There is no need to lie,” the Minister said, “even our hearts started to thump a little faster.” However, Aluthgamage said that it was now clear that Sirisena was only contesting to bring UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe into power. “Tissa Attanayake says that Ranil will be executive Prime Minister within 24 hours of Sirisena’s election,” he said, adding that it was a shame that the Opposition Leader who had lost so many elections was going to get installed in high office. “Now Maithripala is only a pawn being used to being Ranil into power,” charged Minister Wanniarachchi. The Government Ministers claimed that the opposition alliance was a conspiracy by foreign powers interfering in Sri Lanka’s affairs. “This is a conspiracy between foreign forces and the Ranil-Chandrika-Maithri-LTTE nexus,” Aluthgamage charged, referring to the common alliance platform.  

MR claims he has files on all defectors

  President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Defence Secreyary Gotbaya Rajapaksa officiate at the ceremony to enshrine the omniscient sacred relics in the Sandahiru Seya yesterday in Anuradhapura    President Mahinda Rajapaksa issued a thinly-veiled threat against his former ministers who quit his Government on Friday that he had ‘files’ on them all. Seven ruling party members quit his coalition Government last week, four of them holding ministerial portfolios. “I have enough files on their activities, but I won’t use them,” President Rajapaksa told crowds at the opening of the A12 Highway between Trincomalee and Anuradhapura. He told the audience that his door was like a saloon door. “Anyone can go. Anyone can come,” President Rajapaksa noted. He observed that many had left the SLFP and rejoined. “Even Chandrika left the SLFP to spite her mother. So many have done that,” he charged. “SWRD never left the SLFP and neither did Sirimavo. And neither did Mahinda Rajapaksa,” he said. The President all those who quit the SLFP have tenuous futures. “Those who come back are always better off,” he said. (DB)

Govt. to strike back?

  • UNP office bearer, Kalutara District MP may join UPFA as crossover race heats up

The Government is poised to tear away at least two UNP MPs during the Third Reading of the Budget in Parliament today, sources told the Daily FT. Several Opposition members had been approached to decamp, UNP sources said. In a tit-for-tat move after the defection of SLFP General Secretary Maithripala Sirisena, the UPFA will attempt to secure the defection of a senior office bearer in the UNP, the sources said. Another UNP MP from Kalutara is also tipped to cross the political divide. Large sums of money were being offered to Opposition MPs to cross over, a senior UNP member said on condition of anonymity. The member quipped that at least in the case of defections from the Government, there was no question of money changing hands. Opposition activists are predicting a few more defections from the UPFA during tomorrow’s Parliament session.