Dialog and Janashakthi unveil unique worldwide travel insurance

Monday, 17 June 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Rashika Fazali

Two leading industry giants, Dialog Axiata PLC and Janashakthi Insurance PLC, yesterday launched what they claimed as the world’s first travel insurance that provides global travel coverage for only Rs. 175 a day.

In an attempt to revolutionise travel, insurance and mobile, the ‘Dialog Janashakthi Worldwide Travel Insurance’ will provide frequent travellers medical insurance worth US$ 50,000 and an accidental death and total permanent disability cover of US$ 25,000.

With Dialog’s subscriber base exceeding over 7.8 million, Dialog Axiata Group CEO Azwan Khan stated: “We were the first in the day to bring 3G into the region. We were also the first to bring 4G to the region. Today we are also the first to bring mobile travel insurance service.”

With many first under the belt, Khan acknowledged that this new service would provide peace of mind while on Dialog roaming and travelling. He added that the insurance policy would cover the loss of passport and luggage goods.

At the launch held at Hilton Residences, he said: “What the customers have to do is – you can subscribe for this until the point of departure – use your phone and select the number of days you want the cover for. It’s just clicks away.”

Entitled to Dialog mobile users, the subscribers have to simply dial #103# at any time before they departure in order to receive this travel insurance. Dialog customers can also activate the insurance by heading to the nearest Dialog service centre with their passport.

Commenting on their insurance policy, Janashakthi Insurance Deputy Chairman C.T.A. Schaffter said: “There is no need for medical examinations. You just have to give the required information and the deal is done.”

He also added that this product can be used by anyone above six months and below the age of 60. However, this travel insurance does not cover existing aliments, but sicknesses that take place when the traveller is abroad.

In order to claim your insurance, Janashakthi Insurance Sales and General Marketing General Manager Shehara De Silva stated: “If you fall sick anywhere in the world, you have to come back to Sri Lanka and claim your insurance.”

Furthermore, Schaffter added that this was a wonderful way of doing insurance, adding, “It’s not only for holidaymakers, but it’s useful for students, foreign employment and a variety of uses.”

Although this travel insurance can cover up to 180 days or six months, students using this insurance may encounter a problem as their period of study is usually over six months. De Silva stated that they were currently trying to find an alternate way to provide this service to students without any dilemma.