More biz travellers use mobile technology to search, book hotels

Tuesday, 29 March 2011 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Travelport has released new research findings which show that more than half of business customers now use mobile technology when it comes to searching and booking hotels, indicating a rapid increase in the use of mobile technology in the business travel sector.

The survey, which polled over 600 corporate travel buyers, agents, hospitality and travel professionals globally, explored hotel experiences and expectations of the modern business traveller. Notable response findings from the 150 respondents were:

• 80% would like to see mobile applications offering suggested restaurants and bars around the hotel location.

• 67% would like similar apps offering suggestions for recreational activities.

• 71% rank Wi-Fi as one of the most important technology solutions that should be included as standard in hotel rooms — 82% of travellers expecting this service to be in all rooms within five years.

• 54% wanted more transparency and choice when it comes to charges for optional extras.

• Many in the poll commented that they should only have to pay for the services they really want or use when travelling for business.

• There was limited appeal for mobile apps which could record TV channels remotely or convenience solutions like the ability to adjust the temperature of the room when away.

Niklas Andréen, global vice president of hospitality and partner marketing at Travelport said, “At a time when there is increased focus on hospitality innovations as demonstrated at the recent ITB Berlin through the dedication of an entire day to the sector, these results affirm the importance of understanding what our business customers want as well as identifying where there is opportunity to add value. The responses seem to indicate that hotel rooms are no longer a place of rest but an extension of the office when travelling for business and as such it is important to move with the times and provide these services in a way that travellers want and expect.”